Grace Inthathirath

Howdy! My name is Grace Inthathirath, and I’m a Southern Methodist University Theatre BFA graduate from the class of 2022! I am from the Dallas area, specifically Frisco, Texas. I am a singer, pianist, and videographer in addition to my theatrical training. If I’m not memorizing lines or going over my music, I’m watching an anime or trying to make a pasta I found the recipe to on the internet! Thank you for your consideration!

Selected Resume

Patty/Bertha/Miguel/ Annette/Nurse The Yaelmihkeinsploke
Myhrrine Lysistrata
Flute/Thisbe A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Bianca That Poor Girl and How He Killed Her

Grace brings a joy to her work that is delightfully contagious – with passion, intelligence, and acting chops – the whole package.
— Anne Schilling, SMU Associate Professor of Voice for the Stage
It’s so inspiring as a teacher to work with someone who has tenacity and desire. These are the first two words that come to mind when I think of her as an Artist. And as a person, her very name speaks volumes. It has been a pleasure to work with Grace, and I eagerly await the challenging work to come her way. She is definitely up for any challenge that is to come her way.
— Benard Cummings, SMU Associate Professor of Acting
